Thursday, March 27, 2008

Oh My Sweet Rayce!

Once again Rayce you cease to amaze me as to the extent of the situations you get yourself in to. This is a picture of a gap in our screen door that Rayce managed to get his head stuck in yesterday. I turned my head for a split second and the next thing I heard was screaming, the kind of sheer terror. I looked over because I wasn’t but a foot from him and saw his head all twisted of sorts. Somehow he had got his head in the hole and couldn’t get it out. I frantically started yelling for Ray, he was outside in the back of the house, but he wasn’t coming fast enough. So I started yelling help, HELP! I couldn’t get his head out. All I imagined in that split second was having to call the fire department to free my screaming son for the screen door. Finally, Ray arrived, just in time for me to get it un-wedged. By this time Rayce is purple starting to turn blue, (he holds his breath when he cries) I’m trying to calm him down, while trying to explain to Ray what happened. Oy! Rayce is fine; he only had a minor scratch. I’m sure this won’t be the last of incidents to happen but I just can’t get the image out of my head. I just wanted to die.


Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Ahhh! these moments are so scary for a mum...Rayce only got a scratch and you did well...I beat your heart was in your mouth the whole time...

I remember my Josef at a poisonous houseplant (we didnt realise it was) he screamed the whole time till I got help but it was one of the scariest things from his chilhood...My Bella stuck an orange pip in her

On the positive side it would tell me you have one inquisitive little man...and thats a great thing...A