Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Not so Wordless Wednesday

Sickness has stuck and Rayce is down and out. He got a bad case of the junky cold stuff that is going around. He had a temperature of 104 yesterday so we went ahead and took him into the pediatrician. It was apparent that something was wrong because he looked horrible but there were no visual reasons for the cause of his fever. So, she took a few swabs from his nose, sent them to the lab, and sent us on our way. We should have the results by tomorrow but in the meantime it has been constant clinginess and whimpering around here. I apologize in advance to my blog readers and blog friends. Things might be a little neglected and boring around here until things get resolved. I hope everyone is having a better week then I.

Today's Mood
Going Crazy


Shawna said...

We have had the sickies too. I hope you guys feel better soon.