Sunday, July 6, 2008

Summer time!

Whoa! It’s been awhile hasn’t it? I still am trying to get into the hang of things again after having my wisdom teeth out. I still feel real tired and just downright groggy but things are slowly improving. I have an appointment tomorrow to get my stitches out. I’m hoping all goes well.

Rayce is as busy as ever. He loves to open anything and everything and as a result I feel our whole house is taped up! He’s so curious it’s amazing. Also he’s starting to become more verbal. We’re hoping one of these days he will just take off with his talking. Still no “real” words yet but I know he has it in him. In due time, I guess.

Not much else is really happening. Just enjoying the summer weather and trying to stay cool. Rayce loves the water! I think we have a fish on our hands. I hope all is well in your neck of the woods!
