Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Mr. big boy

Rayce is growing up WAY to fast. Just in this week alone he has done so many new things. You would think being sick would keep him down. Heck no this kid is going for broke lol. He can now go from crawling to sitting up on his own, crawl on his hands and knees (when he wants to), and for the grand finale he can now pull him self up onto things (gets into a standing position). What am I going to do? My little one is growing up WAY to fast. I can't keep up with this kid.

Also, he is showing a HUGE interest in wanting to eat what we are eating so I think it is time to start giving him some big people's food. I started last night with some bread because he is refusing to eat his baby food. He ate half of one slice and absolutely loved it.
It's so funny because he gums it but it looks like he is chewing only without any teeth.
I love this kid what else can I say!?