Sunday, May 4, 2008

Woody Woodpecker

My son is a woodpecker! That little sinker chewed up his crib. I guess teething got the best of him, he must have needed something to gnaw on pretty bad. It’s funny but it’s not, you know what I mean? Speaking of teething, Rayce still only has 8 teeth. It kind of looks like he has some coming through on the top but so far nada. Poor little guy, teething is rough. If it’s anything like wisdom teeth I feel his pain.

In other Rayce news: we’re trying to conquer tantrums. :/ I know it comes with his age and where he is right now developmentally but lord help me on some days. Rayce is one of those kids that you stare at, at the grocery store. He throws fits anywhere and everywhere. Yesterday we went to Lowes and he would not sit in the cart. Not only did he wanted to get out at walk around (which was fine) but he also wanted to push the cart on his knees. Imagine the looks I got from that one. Then after that blew over, he wanted to stand in the back part of the cart, not sit but stand! Oy! I tell you it has been a challenge but we will make it through, one way or another.


Laski said...

Oh, those days are coming for us . . . I just know it. He is in his squirmy phase and is starting to assert himself more. And he is chewing on everything thing.

But, on the positive side, I just discovered the power of ELMO!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! What a hungry little guy! LOL. And I thought my kids were odd eating paper! Too cute in the monkey suit!

Anonymous said...

Haha lmao!! Thats so gross... wood for breakfast... mmmm! Oh and the tantrums... even funnier! Sorry sis but thats hilarious!

rubberduckiemom said...

My mother said I gnawed on the side of my crib too at that age. She told me I had a terrible time with the teething. Poor little fella! I hope he feels better soon.

Jamie said...

They make hard plastic rail guards you can buy at BRU and places like that. They work very well for BB.